
Walmart is a win-win for Burbank

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I am pleased that the Burbank City Council stood up to outside special interests and continued to support Walmart moving into the vacant Great Indoors store (“Walmart protest precedes council meeting,” Feb. 22).

Walmart has followed all city requirements and will fill a large vacant retail building. This is a good decision that will benefit economic development and is a win-win situation for Burbank.

The proposed Walmart store will help transform a fallow building into a thriving economic center. It will help strengthen our local economy, create hundreds of jobs, and generate sales tax revenue that will help fund vital city services. And, Walmart will attract more shoppers to the area, which will mean increased foot traffic for other local businesses.

Walmart will be a solid addition to Burbank and this move is a step in the right direction toward rebuilding our economy. I commend the City Council for standing by our local community and allowing Burbank residents to decide where they want to shop and work.

Ron Wood


[Editor’s note: Wood is president and chief executive of the Valley Economic Alliance.]
