
Service Clubs: Making the rounds in Burbank

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Retirement was fun for a while, but it’s definitely not something I want to do for the rest of my life. And so Burbank — I’m back!

During my brief sabbatical, I did learn to smell the roses — and pick some out of my mother’s garden. She has 200 bushes, so it was easy! But I also did some exploring around town.

I found out Joslyn Adult Center has a beautiful computer lab where those 55 and older can take classes for a nominal fee and have free access to computers on Mondays and Fridays. And an instructor will help with Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint or your cell phone and other high-tech gadgets by appointment. What will they think of next?

I also had more time for shopping and attending social events — without a pad and pen. My best friend and I have been spending time in Magnolia Park at the thrift shops. You can’t beat skirt suits for $3 and DKNY jeans for $2.50.

On Sunday I went to the Leadership Burbank fundraiser Bringing Smiles to the Community at the Flappers Comedy Club. It was a benefit for the organization’s project — Kids’ Community Dental Clinic. The leadership members are raising funds to improve the dental clinic facilities, buy supplies and assist in operating expenses.

The nonprofit clinic has been providing dental services for children of low-income families for more than 35 years. The 90 local dentists and hygienists volunteer their time to treat 6,000 children a year. Leadership Burbank has planned a ribbon-cutting celebration on April 15. For more information, visit

I’ve also had time to stop at the Burbank Coordinating Council’s lunch meeting on the first Monday of the month at the Little White Chapel social hall. The group just celebrated its 79th anniversary. Members conduct the annual holiday baskets program, collecting and delivering donations of nonperishable food, toys and gifts to low-income families. The group also raises funds to send disadvantaged kids to camp.

The meetings are a great place to network. Everyone gets the chance to give an introduction about the group they represent and events they are planning. Coordinating Council is creating a website, and a main feature will be a master calendar that will list the events scheduled throughout the year. President Janet Diel said this will help avoid groups planning major events on the same day. For more information, call Diel at (818) 843-3699.

On Friday, the Boy Scouts Verdugo Hills Council will have its 38th annual Big Strike Auction at the Castaway Restaurant, 1250 E. Harvard Road, Burbank.

Actor Clint Howard, who lives in Burbank, will be master of ceremonies. He starred in “Gentle Ben” and appeared on the original “Star Trek” series. His brother, director Ron Howard, and actor Gary Sinise will greet guests in video clips.

Organizers are co-chairs Bob and Dorothy Black, of Lakeview Terrace; Bill James, of La Crescenta, advertising sales; Dennis Barlow, of Burbank, council president; Rick Williamson, Area 4 regional director; Monte Harrick, of La Cañada, donations; Sue Keyes, of La Cañada, donations; and Jane Barnett, of Burbank, fundraising chair.

Funds raised go to support the many services provided by the council to local Boy Scouts.

The theme is “Changing the World, One Scout at a Time.” The event begins at 6 p.m. with a silent auction, 8:15 dinner and 8:45 live auction. Tickets are $100 per person and can be reserved by calling (818) 243-6282.

It’s great to be back!

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