
School a good fit for Rancho

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It looks like the right fit has been found for the Burbank Rancho former GM Training Facility on Riverside Drive. It is the Lycée International de Los Angeles school. This prestigious, upscale French/American school will be a good neighbor and an asset to the Rancho. With all classes taught in French, it brings an international flavor to the neighborhood, as well as an educated student population that is diverse, respectful and sophisticated.

The school’s students start in pre-kindergarten or kindergarten and most stay through 12th grade, some transferring to the school’s other locations around the world when parents move in their jobs, or for other reasons. This sense of community in Lycée International reflects the sense of community enjoyed in the Burbank Rancho.

School representatives presented themselves to residents in a community meeting at the Buena Vista Library Thursday evening and they could not have been more open and receptive to our concerns, willing to anticipate any difficulty, often with a solution already in place, or with the intention of finding and quickly implementing a solution.

Lycée International de Los Angeles fits that trophy property. They want us and we want them. It’s the right fit.

Mary Schindler

