
Reopening reopens pertinent questions

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It was interesting to see your photo and article on the grand reopening of the Burbank Fire and Police headquarters (“Rebuilt digs,” March 28). This building was built for millions of dollars in 1998 and soon thereafter it started falling apart due to shoddy construction. Now, Burbank celebrates the grand reopening at a cost $10 million on top of the initial millions it took to build it in the first place.

Where were the city’s highly paid inspectors during the initial construction? Aren’t they the ones we and the city depend on to make sure everything is built according to the specifications and not approved until work is done correctly? Should not the inspectors be held responsible for the shoddy construction or were they like Los Angeles inspectors who never oversaw the work and some finally got caught?

Instead of the city officials celebrating the grand reopening they should be announcing the firing of the incompetent inspectors who allowed the shoddy work in the first place and have them pay for the reconstruction work.

Robert Trainor

