
Verdugo Park pool should be reopened

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After four years, the Verdugo Park pool remains closed (“Verdugo pool opening pushed back,” April 21.)

Dave Golonski, who’s been on the City Council for 18 years and mayor three times, “waffles” about writing a letter to the editor and “hopes” for a solid time frame. Assistant director of city engineering Sean Corrigan “wishes” the design process had gone more quickly.

In those same four years, the complete remodel of the Water and Power complex moved along apace and is apparently the shining new symbol of Burbank, as we are continually reminded in glossily expensive multipage inserts and mailings, yet the Verdugo Park pool remains closed.

In those same four years, streets have been torn up time and again to modernize Burbank’s electronic and communication grid, and power meters have been replaced throughout the city. Yet the Verdugo Park pool remains closed.

After all the waffling, hoping and wishing, the Verdugo Park pool remains closed.

Tom Celli

