
The promises are as empty as the pool

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I feel duty-bound as a 34-year resident of California Street to jump on the bandwagon of complaints regarding the still-closed Verdugo Park Swimming Pool. It is a blight on the neighborhood as it further deteriorates, in addition to being a continued embarrassment.

I have been asked by prospective residents when walking the neighborhood if the pool is due to be repaired and opened soon; I can no longer answer the question in the positive. Posted boards announcing the refurbishment and deadline have gone up and come down twice during the past three years.

It has been almost four years of rhetoric full of empty promises and excuses. I would venture to say at this point the cost to renovate the entire structure has no doubt tripled, possibly more. I also wonder why it has taken four years to obtain three quotes.

The new opening date is 2013 — is this yet another empty promise?

Jackie Light

