
Burbank City Council is thumbing nose at voters

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Explaining why Councilman David Gordon is continually bypassed for Burbank vice mayor and mayor (“Golonski takes the reins,” May 2), Councilman Jess Talamantes last year in his role as mayor said that the five council members needed to gain the trust and respect of their colleagues.

Certainly council members should respect each other. That way, even with differing opinions, civil discourse is assured. But trust? What did Talamantes mean by that? Was he saying that Gordon cannot be trusted to vote on issues as he and his colleagues do? Note to Talamantes, et al: Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Walter Lippmann once wrote, “When all think alike, then no one is thinking.”

Did it ever occur to Talamantes and his colleagues that enough voters in this city do trust Gordon and have elected him both times he’s run for office? So Talamantes and his colleagues are not thumbing their noses at Gordon, they’re doing it to us, the electorate.

One doesn’t have to look to Sacramento or the nation’s capital to see how dysfunctional government has become. It is right here in our midst.

Molly Shore

