
It’s time for the church to speak up

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As a former attendee of and longtime former lay leader at Little White Chapel, I have been interested in the cell phone tower debate now going on. While some neighborhood complaints I believe are unfounded and/or paranoiac, others appear legitimate.

I wonder if the minister or current lay leadership has made any effort to alleviate those complaints or explain why they wish to use church premises for such a purpose, especially anything that detracts from the 70-year significance of the steeple that is a hallmark for this part of Burbank.

While I doubt that I or other church leaders or ministers of the past would agree to such a commercial enterprise on church premises, if we had, we would be writing letters to the Leader and communicating with neighbors about the whys and wherefores of the proposed project. So, Pastor Bill Thomas Jr. or Ms. Sheri Cline — how about it?

Mel Wolf

