
More on performance medals

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This is in response to a letter by Kelly Duenckel in the May 23 edition of the Burbank Leader (“It’s time to discuss performance medals”).

Last night, I attended my son’s graduation ceremony at Burroughs High School. During the ceremony, Principal Urioste singled out three students for special recognition. Although I did not know any one of these three students, I was very happy for them. Their recognition took absolutely nothing away from my son’s big night.

For Duenckel to suggest that the schools stop recognizing and awarding medals to high-performing students, and to refer to “federal and state privacy laws” is absolutely ridiculous and wrong. Our kids will experience this type of reward system throughout the rest of their lives — in future schooling, in their jobs, etc. High performers should be recognized and rewarded. I hope our principals and teachers will continue to encourage our kids to be the best they can. I’m sorry Duenckel’s son was upset, but perhaps she could have had her own “awards ceremony” at home to honor him.

Laurie Colbert

