
Don’t wait with school bond measure

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Burbank Business Partners, comprised of business and community leaders committed to supporting Burbank schools, would like to respond to Megan O’Neil’s article of July 8 (“Burbank Unified looks to move ahead with school bond”). The article debates whether the Burbank Teachers Association (BTA) and the PTA would be able to mobilize an effective campaign, considering that two state-wide initiatives affecting school funding will also be on the November ballot. We urge that rather than viewing the state measures and local measure as conflicting, they instead be seen as complementary.

According to the consulting firm that conducted the bond survey on behalf of the district, Burbank overwhelmingly supports a local bond extension in the November election, while an April decision would not have the same voter support.

We see no benefit to postponing a local bond initiative, and clear and demonstrable risks in doing so. At least six other school districts in California see the advantage of placing their local bond measures on the November ballot, and we urge our board of education, BTA and PTA to take that same initiative. Our schools and our students can’t afford to wait. We need both the successful passage of the statewide tax initiatives and the successful passage of a local bond.

Michael Cusumano

Editor’s note: The writer is a member of the board of directors for Burbank Business Partners.
