
Council will vote on puppy sales ban

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Puppy mill prisons came into existence soon after World War I when farmers had lost most of their crops to drought. The farmers simply used their chicken coops and rabbit hutches for the dogs. Today, puppy mills are overseen by the United States Department of Agriculture.

Female breeding stock are bred every cycle from as young as 4 months. They are bred so much that their bones break and their teeth fall out. The parents live in small cramped cages, walking on wire floors that cut into their paws so their feces can drop underneath. They never feel grass under their feet, or a human touch. They live here their entire lives and when no longer productive, are shot, euthanized or disposed of at already overcrowded shelters.

Their “crops” are then shipped to buyers who purchase them over the Internet, or through brokers to pet stores in cities like Burbank. The puppies are often inbred, sick and have genetic deficiencies which cost a consumer thousands in vet bills and frequently mean early death for the puppy. The consumer thinks that if the cute puppy is AKC registered, it must by OK. This, however, is not the truth. Puppy mills and kitten factories continue to produce more crops.

Glendale has passed an ordinance banning the sale of puppies in pet stores unless in connection with a non-profit rescue, or unless the source of the animals is a shelter. The Los Angeles City Council voted 11-1 in support of a similar ordinance and is in the final stages of enacting it. On Aug. 28 the Burbank City Council will vote on such an ordinance. Can you imagine a day when our animal shelters have vacancies?

Shelley Rizzotti

Editor’s note: The writer is a member of BurbankCROPS (Citizens for Rescue Only Pet Stores).
