
Battle against Walmart is getting old

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Re: “Store work may be halted,” Aug. 18: I can’t believe how ridiculous this is becoming. Who are these three women waging this war against Walmart? Why should their dislike for Walmart mean any more than the likes of the people that want the Walmart in Burbank?

I guarantee that if the judge rules in favor of the Walmart, they will take a different stand to try and stop the store. It’s not about the traffic, it’s not about the foreign-made goods, it’s not about the alleged low wages or benefits for the employees, and it’s not about the parking either. It’s all about Walmart coming to town and selling groceries at better bargains than the major supermarkets. Otherwise, why is their attorney with the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, Local 770? That should be enough proof right there what this battle is all about.

The Great Indoors never achieved the level of business that was hoped for, but that capacity and parking lot size was what was originally planned for and considered when they did the original environmental study at that time. Taking a matter like this to the courts simply because of personal reasons is as low class as going to court to win the presidency. It’s time for these women to step aside and let Walmart do their thing because it will happen eventually, and there is really nothing they will be able to do to stop it permanently.

Al Howard
