
Extradition of convicted lieutenant hits home

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I am currently a junior at Burbank High School. A series of unacceptable events has concerned me recently. Ramil Safarov, a lieutenant, was extradited by the Hungarian government after only serving eight years of his life sentence for the ax murder of an Armenian soldier, Gurgen Markarian. With his return home last week, not only was he welcomed as a hero, but promoted to the rank of major by Azeri President Ilham Aliyev.

The extradition of the murderer Ramil Safarov by the government of Hungary and the pardon he was granted are unjust actions and must not be ignored or forgiven. As a young resident of the city of Burbank, I call upon our community to recognize the immoral actions of the Hungarian government and the illicit policy of Azerbaijan toward Armenia.

Araz Majnoonian

