
Art Wave store does not display vulgar art

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Re: “Owner should take down vulgar posters,” Mailbag, Sept. 5: I made the run from Rialto to Burbank on Sept. 14. I walked by the exterior of the store and found the Johnny Cash portraits both with paper taped over the offending fingers, which I would not find to be vulgar even if the paper was not covering the finger.

Everything else was top quality art. I saw no full nudes. When I entered the store I found a vast and diverse collection of artwork including Christian-based artwork that could satisfy any taste and saw nothing that I would consider pornographic or vulgar. I told Michael Silton, the senior art consultant, about your letter to the editor about the Art Wave and he assured me that nothing of a questionable nature was ever put on the street.

I have never seen a larger or better collection and selection of fine art before, and the employees are friendly and knowledgeable. Silton was very friendly and has more knowledge of fine art in his pinky finger than I will ever have. I believe that your newspaper did a disservice to Art Wave putting into question their respectability in regards to their business by posting such an empty letter to the editor. Why a local newspaper would print an unsupported claim against a local business is beyond my imagination. I would recommend Art Wave to any collector of fine art.

Mark L. Holland
