
Ridiculous city manager salary

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In reading the article about Mike Flad’s departure (“Flad plans to exit post,” Sept. 19), I am concerned about two issues — the huge salary itself and the short notice given to the city of his departure. With all the budget constraints in Burbank, how can the city justify paying the city manager this ridiculous salary?

This brings to mind last year’s publicity about the city of Bell and City of Commerce. This also brings to mind the Romneyism mentality: Keep the big guys well fed, and let the citizens of the city have all the cutbacks.

What does the city manager do for me as a Burbank resident to warrant a salary of more than $18,000 a month, with a 3% raise in 2 years, while there is no money to trim the ugly palms along the streets? Wake up, City Council, and be fair to us citizens.

Vic Picou
