
Corridor plan is looking beautiful

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Most people who drive through the San Fernando Boulevard corridor probably never stop, and why would they? The area doesn’t exactly scream “Take a stroll and enjoy.”

That could change — albeit two decades from now, or more — after the City Council this week approved a conceptual master plan for the zone that would green the corridor with more trees, install more pedestrian- and bike-friendly amenities and force developers to revamp their buildings to be more aesthetically pleasing.

The proposal came after neighborhood outreach and a desire by city planners to look ahead to what Burbank might become over the next quarter-century. We like what we see.

Getting the blueprint into place now for a 25-year vision also provides a sense of certainty for residents considering the area, as well as developers. As Principal Planner Patrick Prescott told the council on Tuesday: “When developers come to us, we can say, ‘This is what the community wants to see here.’”

Nothing wrong with having eyes wide open.
