
Gatto hasn’t been business friendly

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Throughout the entire campaign season, business and the economy have been the hot-button issues for the voters. Here in California, our unemployment rate is at 10%, and companies are leaving. Productive citizens flee California each week. Most recently, Comcast announced it was taking 1,000 jobs out of our state, citing overly burdensome regulations among its reasons.

Our own state assemblyman, Mike Gatto, has chosen to ignore the interests of local businesses in favor of special interests.

For two years, Gatto has failed to represent the business interests of the 43rd Assembly District. Each legislative session, the California Chamber of Commerce releases a list of job-killer bills. Of the 17 that Mike Gatto had a chance to vote on, he voted for 16 of them.

Gatto is completely clueless as to the needs of our district. If being business friendly were a high school education, Mike Gatto wouldn’t graduate.

Bill Graham
