
Gordon swept proof under the rug

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I was deeply saddened at the Oct.16 meeting on the puppy mill ordinance. Councilman David Gordon said there was no proof that his friend’s pet store was selling commercially bred puppies, yet when proof from the United States Department of Agriculture obtained over months of hard work by a dedicated group showing otherwise was presented, he swept it under the rug.

Gordon interrogates staff condescendingly on a regular basis, yet with proof staring him in the face, he says to cut his friend a break.

It is important for our leaders to believe that our little city of Burbank can be an example. Several decades ago, after an incident at KNBC, our city leaders wanted the state of California to make it mandatory that toy gun makers be required to put a bright orange tip on the barrels of those toys so people would know when it was a toy guy or not. Today that law is in place. Imagine the countless lives saved — all originating from our little city of Burbank. It was crystal clear that Gordon thinks we should never try anything because we people in the city of Burbank can’t make a difference. I disagree.

Shelley Rizzotti
