
Greg Krikorian thanks his supporters

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During my campaign for the 43rd District Assembly, I did not have the time to reflect on the many supporters and friends that helped me in my quest for state office. My wife, Christine, and I would like to give an overdue thank you to everyone that assisted me in any way, from financial contributions and endorsements to the votes that I received.

Your help is appreciated and your friendship is treasured. My motivation for seeking to be your representative in the state Assembly was to begin the restoration process of California as a great place to live, work, raise a family as well as do business here.

Christine and I are grateful for the confidence that you entrusted me with. I am overwhelmed seeing the energy that the volunteers expended walking door to door every weekend, taking from their personal time to assist me during this campaign. Another thank you to my dedicated campaign staff, without your commitment I would have not been able to reach out to so many voters with my bipartisan message.

I am blessed to have my wonderful wife Christine and five amazing children, as well as so many friends in the area. It is because of your support that I am able to continue my service to the community as a member of the Glendale Unified School District Board of Education. I remain strongly committed to our schools and the business community. Our children are our future, and they deserve to have every opportunity to live the American Dream.

Greg Krikorian
