
Objections to Walmart opposition

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I don’t understand the logic behind approval for the new IKEA store and the constant delays in approving the Walmart store. Burbank deserves the same choices and convenience that so many others have benefited from across L.A. County with their Walmarts.

Burbank should be treated no differently, especially considering that big-box retailers like IKEA and Walmart contribute equally to community development — be it the individual jobs or the collective government revenue that is collected to help pay for our schools, streets, teachers, firefighters and police force.

I am not a lawyer so I can’t speak to all the procedures that seem to be mucking up this process. I am just speaking as a resident who shares the opinions of many others here and even small businesses who can easily see the benefits of having a thriving retail presence, be it IKEA, Walmart and others — as opposed to what is essentially a boarded-up former big-box store that has little prospect otherwise of being filled. When’s the last time you ever saw a Walmart go out of business?

I hope you understand my points, which are the same as many Burbank residents. Happy holiday season.

Karim Missouri
