
Bond measure needs specifics

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Approximately eight years ago Burbank residents approved a $112-million school bond measure. The money was used to build a new Burbank High School and remodel and build new class rooms at Burroughs High School. I supported this bond measure because it was obvious these structures were in poor condition.

The Burbank Unified School District is now asking voters to approve another bond measure in the amount of $110 million. The district claims the money is needed to repair roofs, air conditioning and plumbing. In addition, it would also be used to improve technology. These types of repairs generally are not visible to residents as were the poor structural conditions of the high schools. Without knowledge of the scope of the maintenance needs It would be difficult for me to support the new bond measure.

It’s been reported that the school district is going to schedule several town hall meets to foster support of the bond measure. At these meetings district officials should distribute brochures identifying all the maintenance repair needs. They should list all schools that need repairs, the type of repairs needed at the schools and the estimated cost per school. If possible, they should conduct informational site visits to each of the affected schools. I feel this would greatly help residents to comprehend the bond amount related to the projects. These facts should be very easy for the district to provide, as they would have needed to tabulate them prior to posting the bond measure notification.

The district must remember that it is asking the residents of Burbank to give them $110 million, and the residents have the right to know exactly how the money will be used.

Dennis Shiflett
