
School board election is important

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We love so much about Burbank, especially our schools. We therefore consider the upcoming Burbank Unified School District school board election to be one of the most important local elections in years.

Our school district, like others around the country, faces great challenges. These challenges require strong, mature leadership — leadership from people who understand how to set and work within a budget; people who have worked with parents; people who have personal experience with children and their needs; people who make and keep commitments, and who bring real-world experience to the role.

The media coverage of this race has been scant, and stories have thus far focused on distractions, instead of the merits and qualifications (or lack thereof) of the candidates. We hope this changes. And we hope that all people who care about the future of our schools work to inform voters about the school board candidates so that Burbank voters can make an informed choice about who is best suited to guide our schools and the educational future of our children.

Mary Alvord, Barry Burnett, Carolyn Jackson and
Lee Wochner
