
To be clear, David Nos is not ‘No on S’

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To all Burbank voters: I am David Nos and my last name is not, and I repeat, is not a campaign against the safe school initiative Measure S. In fact, I wholeheartedly support Measure S. I have a Measure S sign along with my own “Just Say Nos” sign on my front lawn and my office window. I am sorry it has caused confusion. Nos is my family name, and I am fond of it.

So please, do vote for measure S on March 5, and let me know if you need a ride to the polls. I will be glad to oblige. Our schools need help. And remember, on Feb. 26 the “Just Say Nos” position is first on the ballot.

If you elect me in the primary, I promise to take my signs down as fast as possible so there will be no confusion during the last week of the Measure S campaign. I say that kiddingly, but it is a solution, don’t you agree?

Thank you, and please support Measure S.

David Nos

Editor’s note: The writer is a candidate for the Burbank City Council.
