
Easter eggs and political posturing

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Burbank Councilman Gary Bric laments that there is no money in the city’s budget for this year’s Easter Egg-Stravaganza (“Council restores Easter egg hunt,” March 16). He says, “We have to stand up and be able to say, ‘I wish we could do it, but we can’t.’”

Funny, Bric didn’t utter those words two years ago when he readily gave his blessing to a $2 million bailout of the DeBell golf Course. Oh, that’s right, he’s an avid golfer.

In Bric’s world there exists plenty of money for his priorities, but not a piddling $14,000 for the Easter egg hunt, which probably attracts more people in one day than the failing golf/Frisbee course attracts in one month.

Council members Dave Golonski, David Gordon and Jess Talamantes, all vying for reelection, enthusiastically supported the Easter egg hunt; however, their vote to proceed with this event is nothing more than political posturing. If they weren’t running, chances are good that the Easter egg hunt would not have been given the go-ahead, especially at this late date.

Molly Shore
