
Golonski is the right choice

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I have known Dave Golonski for 20 years, since he first beat me for a seat on the Burbank City Council. I can truly say with no reservations that the voters made the right choice in electing him.

Golonski has the qualities most needed in an elected official. He is intelligent, principled and has the institutional knowledge needed to understand how best to bring the city’s resources to bear to solve community problems.

Here are a few of his accomplishments: He insured that Burbank voters have the final say on future development at our airport; he worked to keep Burbank financially strong while maintaining city services in tough times; he helped to create a number of award-winning youth programs, including youth employment, student counseling at schools, and violence protection at the elementary level; he promoted sustainable environmental practices and he developed an innovative affordable housing strategy with a focus on neighborhood revitalization

Some people feel Golonski has been in office too long. I disagree. His skill, knowledge and expertise have grown throughout his years of service. He is a very effective policy-maker, with compassion and fiscal restraint in equal balance.

Our city needs Dave Golonski and he has my support.

Greg Jackson
