
Time for Golonski to go

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I was surprised to read a recent letter in the Leader criticizing Councilman David Gordon for his behavior during City Council meetings. While I don’t agree with Gordon on everything, from the council meetings I’ve attended, it’s clear that he’s the only incumbent who consistently champions the interests of residents, small business owners and traditional Burbank values. And he’s been doing that for years now.

He certainly seems to be the only one to question what is put before him by Mayor Dave Golonski and city staff. The rest of the Council appears happy to rubber-stamp whatever scheme Golonski endorses.

To highlight some recent mishaps in the Golonski-controlled administration: electric utility charges have gone up, wireless facilities can now be installed in the public right of way, the FBI is investigating the Police Department for corruption (with the city spending roughly $7 million to defend the force); the police chief, the fire chief, the city clerk and city manager have all resigned in the last year, with some taking less money at their new jobs.

If Gordon is sometimes contentious in council meetings, it’s no wonder. He’s been blocked from his turn as mayor for years now and is constantly out-voted by the Golonski-dominated majority. Gordon represents the lone vote for political transparency and reasoned, controlled economic growth in Burbank. The problem with the City Council is not David Gordon, but starts with Mayor Dave Golonski. It’s time for a change and Golonski’s 20 year reign to end.

Tom Abrams
