
Why is the city wasting water?

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I’m curious why the city of Burbank encourages water conservation for its homeowners, even asking them to landscape with native drought-resistant plants, when on Bel Aire Drive and Magnolia Boulevard, an out-of-service fire hydrant has been spewing water into the sewer system at the rate of 5 gallons per second for the last four days.

Do the math and see how much water is being wasted. I figured more than a million gallons. With the rate increases of water usage and continual reminders to conserve water on your water bill, why is the city of Burbank wasting this water? Why hasn’t the city been able to repair this hydrant?

I guess the underlying reason is that we, the taxpayers, pay for it. So when it comes to the city of Burbank’s water usage, they don’t give a hoot. And that explains why the Burbank Water and Power offices are kept comfortably cool during the summer months.

Eric Dresser
