
Leader endorsement for Burbank Unified school board: Applebaum, Ferguson

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As voters go to the polls, they should remember two qualities that are equally important as they decide who will be sitting on the Burbank Unified school board the next four years — experience and passion.

We endorse Larry Applebaum and Steve Ferguson.

Incumbent Applebaum has been on the board since 2005. He brings a great deal of institutional memory to the position. Since no one can know whether the board’s other incumbents will run for reelection in two years, his knowledge of the district could provide invaluable.

He proposes the school’s deficit be knocked down incrementally, embraces expanded technology and encourages stepping up efforts to teach foreign language at the elementary level — all logical and well-thought-out positions.

Ferguson has a passion for serving the public. Though only 24, he has already built up a resume that includes serving on the city’s park, recreation and community services commission, the Mayor’s Youth Task Force, Burbank Youth for Youth and is a past student board member on the Burbank Unified school board, representing Burbank High School.

Unfortunately, one of Ferguson’s campaign volunteers was charged recently with petty theft after a police investigation into the taking of political signs for fellow candidate Charlene Tabet.

Ferguson did not take the signs himself and has apologized to Tabet. He’s taken responsibility for the incident and says he has taken actions to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

We firmly believe this is a one-time mistake and not a sign, so to speak, of a larger maturity problem.

That said, Applebaum’s experience as a school board member and Ferguson’s dynamic dedication to service make the two the best choices to help guide Burbank schools.
