
Proud of city’s compassion

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I grew up and went to school in Burbank and have always thought highly of the town. I would like to share an experience I recently had with the city of Burbank. With so much negativity in the press, this is most refreshing.

On the morning of Feb. 28, I went to get in my car parked in Burbank and there was a parking ticket on my window. I apparently was in violation of the street cleaning. The charge was $45.

I returned to Kern County and wrote the check for $45 and then decided to send a little note with the check. I wrote: ”I am writing this check under protest. I live in Bakersfield, Ca. and arrived on Wed. 27th late at night to visit my brother…. He had just lost his wife of 37 years and I was there to support and comfort him and I did not see the sign about parking. It would be nice if you would void this ticket and void my check.”

Of course, I did not expect this would happen, but I felt better writing it. Much to my surprise, on March 20 I received a letter back along with my check, with the fees being dismissed. It warms my heart, in this day and age that someone cares and the city of Burbank should feel very proud. I certainly am proud of Burbank and thank the Police Department for its compassion.

Dorothy A. Wiener
