
Gordon’s behavior on dais is embarrassing

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Councilmember David Gordon’s behavior at last week’s council meeting was an embarrassment to Burbank. As a “civil” servant, he surely does not know how to engage in civil discourse — deciding instead to attack, belittle and threaten staff and anyone else who does not get on his Big Brother conspiracy bandwagon.

Gordon took the opportunity at the last council meeting to make public the private life of our city attorney when he questioned her publicly about personal matters that had already been discussed in closed session. He never misses an opportunity to put down women, that is crystal clear. His grandiosity and ego are out of check.

David Gordon is a bully. Even though he is sitting in the vice-mayor chair, I hope when the time comes for the next rotation that the remaining council members think long and hard before letting him be the face of Burbank. He does not deserve that seat. He spent hours of city time to discuss what in effect became no, or minimal, change to the city attorney’s contract while happily seeking to increase his own compensation.

Lindsay Reeves

