
Grateful for the Verdugo pool

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Verdugo pool is indeed finally open. A visit in the afternoon of June 8 showed hundreds of patrons in both pools and on the nearby deck and small grassy shaded area. To justify the city’s investment in this facility, I hope they are still coming to use the pool between October and May — it’s always great to swim any time of the year in Southern California.

The crowd was much smaller for noon lap swimming on Sunday, but that’s an activity which does not benefit from crowds.

Burbank residents and swimmers from other communities should thank those responsible for the new Verdugo pool. My correspondence and the website shows these include former mayor Dave Golonski, current mayor Emily Gabel-Luddy, Burbank Park, Recreation and Community Services director Judie Wilke, assistant director and former aquatics coordinator Marisa Garcia and other PRCS staff.

My thanks to all.

Bob Schmit
