
Many residents don’t want sidewalk

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Is Tim Elliott aware that a majority of the residents of the 1900 block of Screenland Drive who were polled by the city said they did not want sidewalks? And that the responses from those living in the 1800 block were tied, with half saying yes and half saying no?

I assume that Tim Elliott, who is in favor of sidewalks, has been following this issue and is aware the delay was implemented by Councilman Gary Bric more than two years ago.

The phrase “you get what you voted for” in Elliott’s letter is an insult toward Dr. David Gordon and is unwarranted. Gordon protects the voice of the people, as seen in this case with the majority of the 1900 block not wanting sidewalks.

I am one of the folks that voted for Gordon and opine that Gordon will protect the voice of the people in the best interests for all folks in Burbank.

Irma Loose
