
BWP offers many ways to save

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During these hot summer months, it’s worth a reminder that our community-owned utility, Burbank Water and Power, provides Burbank residents with some of the lowest water and electric rates in the region. However, even with these low rates, the increased use of air conditioners and sprinklers can translate into higher utility bills.

With that in mind, I want to point out a number of ways to help reduce water-and-power bills via BWP’s programs for residents and businesses, many of which have been recently expanded.

Green Home House Call is an award-winning program that makes homes more energy and water efficient and environmentally friendly. Best of all, it’s free!

A trained water and energy expert will come to your residence and provide an evaluation of your water, electricity and natural gas usage. When it’s time to make changes, which may include an air conditioner tune-up; resealing ducts; and installing water-efficient shower heads, sink faucet aerators, and energy efficient light bulbs, BWP’s experts do all the work and all services are provided to Burbank residents free of charge. Appointments can be made by calling (866) 365-7358.

Home Rewards provides opportunities for valuable rebates. Buy a new Energy Star appliance and you can get cash back; up to $160 for installing energy-efficient central air conditioning, and up to $200 for a pool pump. Energy-efficient clothes washers, dish washers, ceiling fans, refrigerators, and other appliances and home improvements are also available for rebates. If you buy your product from a Burbank retailer, the rebate is even higher.

Business Bucks, which was designed for small to midsized companies, is now open to very small “mom and pop” businesses that use less than 10,000 kilowatt-hours per year. The program provides free energy audits and up to $1,000 in energy-saving installations for the smallest business, up to $2,000 for midsized businesses, and up to $5,000 for larger operations.

And Made in the Shade provides up to three free trees for residents, and 20 trees for businesses. This includes stakes, ties, and arbor guards to help the trees grow properly. Renters are also eligible with the property owner’s authorization. A trained arborist will help you select a tree from more than two dozen species. In the end, you could see your AC costs drop 10 to 50% below what you are paying now.

These are just a few of the programs offered to help lower your energy and water bills. Please check out and see where you can start saving now.

And feel free to contact me at or call me at (818) 823-1594.

Emily Gabel-Luddy
