
Walmart is better than an empty building

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Stopping the new Walmart from coming to the Empire Center is a defeat dealt to the economic development of our community.

There is already a retail center with an empty building just waiting for a tenant. An empty building is doing nothing for our city or our sales tax revenue. The 300 jobs Walmart will bring to the community — in addition to the tax revenue — make this a great economic opportunity for Burbank residents.

I currently leave Burbank to do my Walmart shopping, which is inconvenient for me and causes my tax money to go to another city. I was at the open house for the new Burbank Walmart and the support was overwhelming. The protesters were of such small numbers as to be insignificant.

I am personally excited to have a Walmart in Burbank. It is inexpensive and much more convenient. In these tough economic times, a place like Walmart — which offers employment opportunities, tax revenue for our community and low prices — would be a great asset to our community.

Darlene Ferrona
