
Letter: Looking for help with crossing guard

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On the last Tuesday of August I happened to pass through the stop-light-controlled intersection near my work and noticed several parents and children crossing the street around 1 p.m.

Nearby the crossing guard was just getting out of his truck and putting on his vest. It looked like the new guy was a little bit late that day.

I gave him the benefit of the doubt while I observed him for the next week. It didn’t get better.

Just about every day, for every shift, he was late. I went to the Burbank Police website, found a form, filled it out with my name, address, phone and email, described the situation, and sent it off. Three weeks later I have not heard a word back from them, but I continued my watch. It was more of the same.

I called the Burbank Police Department and asked to speak to whoever was in charge of the crossing guards. I was transferred to an extension. I left a detailed message along with my name and phone number. It’s been two weeks and I have yet to receive any response.

I typed up a two-page letter, addressed to the Burbank Chief of Police Scott LaChasse, put a stamp on it, and dropped it into the mailbox near my business.

Last Friday morning at 7:32 a.m. two little girls crossed the busy street alone, the crossing guard arrived 9 minutes later at 7:41.

I tried emailing the Police Department, no response; I tried calling the crossing guard’s supervisor, no response; I wrote a two -page letter to Police Chief Scott LaChasse, no response.

Hello? Is there anybody there?

Richard J. Tafilaw
