
Letter: Walmart would fill a city need

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Re: “Is Walmart what we want in a business,” Mailbag, Dec. 25. Walmart is not in business to improve your wages, they are not in business to give you healthcare, vacations, pensions, sick days and support unions. They are in business to make a profit. Secondly, they are in business to fill a need. A need that apparently most Burbank residents would like fulfilled.

According to the letters in this paper, the majority of people in this city want a Walmart in the Empire Center. What they don’t want is a building sitting empty for years and years. We want a business there that will serve the people of Burbank, employ people and pay taxes to the city and state. We want to have the choice of shopping and/or working at Walmart. We don’t want empty buildings like the pathetic monument to timid council members that is the old Conroy’s Flowers building on Burbank Boulevard and Buena Vista Avenue. Burbank city government, do what the people of Burbank want you to do and get us a Walmart in the Empire Center.

Tim Elliott
