
Letter: More support for Walmart

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I’ve already had my “two cents” published in the Leader regarding my support for a Walmart in the Great Indoors vacant building, but after reading Tim Elliott’s letter in the Leader in support of the store (Jan. 1 “Walmart would fill a city need”), I want to show my support again. I totally agree with everything he said.... “we want a business there that will serve the people of Burbank, employ people and pay taxes to the city and the state. We want to have the choice of shopping and/or working at Walmart.”

I also can relate to the opinion stated by Lawrence Pane regarding street cleaning (Jan. 1 “Street cleaning not needed everywhere”). We have signs posted on our side of the street and over the last many years, we have unfortunately received multiple parking tickets when we have forgotten to move our car/s. And so it seems unfair. Why are some streets posted with no parking on street cleaning days, while other streets are not?

I am curious to know if there is a way to have the signs removed from a street so we no longer have to move cars.

Kathy Neal
