
Letter: A call for more respect on the bikeway

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I love seeing all who enjoy the Chandler bike path — from casual walkers to serious exercisers, to four leggers and the occasional star gazers.

I do not enjoy those who seem to possess a sense of self-serving entitlement, believing they are entitled to not pick up after their pets or that their fitness goals entitle their behavior to come before anyone else’s. Some families feel that children in strollers somehow entitle them to take charge of the path, forcing others to step aside. There are even those who feel entitled to appoint themselves judge and jury when they encounter problems or safety concerns, only to promote their own personal agendas in this public space.

I’d like to believe people who live, work and play in Burbank are special. My hope is that we remember how to smile at others and be considerate. Please try to ask yourself if you would want to encounter you on a walk or a run or a bike ride.

And to that adorable little guy that loves to ring his bicycle bell on his early morning outings, please ask your Mom and Dad to take off their headphones and consider if they would appreciate hearing “bling-bling...bling-bling” nonstop on their day off.

I don’t want it to be all about me — but I don’t want it to be all about you either. Let’s enjoy each other’s company if we can and be a bit more considerate and kind to one another. It’s free and it may even be surprising how good it feels.

I’ll be tolerant if you will!

Debra Lockett
