
Letter: Housing element needs some tweaking

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I am writing to express my disappointment with our city’s housing element. It currently allows for unlicensed facilities within our R1 residential neighborhoods.

That prompts me to ask a few simple questions:

Would you put your elderly mother or father in an unlicensed nursing home?

Would you put your child in an unlicensed day-care center?

Would you put your dog in an unlicensed boarding facility?

If you wouldn’t put your loved ones in an unlicensed facility why would you want one as a neighbor? I believe everyone wants to ensure that their loved ones are cared for properly; with integrity, compassion and proper medical care. And there need to be provisions in place that hold these facilities accountable. A licensed care facility monitors what happens to our loved ones within these facilities; an unlicensed facility is accountable to no one. These unlicensed facilities can ultimately become transient motels within our Burbank neighborhoods.

Our City Council needs to add provisions to our Housing Element to prevent unlicensed care facilities in our neighborhoods.

Ingrid Kriegler
