
Letter: Giving thanks to Good Samaritans


I just want to thank the “nameless” Good Samaritans who helped with retrieving my newly rescued dog. Two days prior, we welcomed our new four-legged canine to our family. He decided to go exploring by hopping over our frontyard fence. We drove up and down the streets of Burbank, frantically looking for him. He didn’t know his new name, and we didn’t know his “old” name, so calling him was of no use.

As we were driving down Chandler, we saw our white dog sprinting across, being chased by a young man running in his bare feet, because his flip-flops were slowing him down. We followed him, and saw that two other cars were also following him. We ran up and down a couple of streets until we finally were able to catch him. The young man held on to him while I was able to bring his leash over and place it around my roaming, lost dog. The other two women built a “wall” in order to stop him from escaping again.

Fortunately, my canine friend was OK, except for his poor bleeding paws. We were all so excited to have caught him before going across major streets that I neglected to get anyone’s names. But I hope that these amazing good people know how grateful and thankful I am for helping in re-rescuing my new dog.

These three people were genuinely concerned and worried about a dog they didn’t know, and risked their afternoon trying to catch him so that he would be safe from injury. It is great to live in such a caring community in which goodness does prevail. Thank you again to these wonderful and kind Samaritans.

Angelica FitzGerald
