
Letter: Further notes from a board member

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As I sit here reading Mr. Evans’s article about the Burbank Advisory Board meeting which was held to give feedback (positive and otherwise) on the Burbank Leader, I can’t help but reflect on that meeting — one which I was privileged enough to attend. Some random thoughts, in no particular order:

I was the one who initially declared a general disdain for high school sports’ coverage. (Fear not, Leader readers; I was summarily drummed out!)

I expressed an interest in seeing more investigative coverage and even some things that are controversial. The April 5 editorial regarding the City Council’s less-than-stellar performance discussing sober living housing accomplished just that! It was a great editorial and was blunt in its assessment of the Council members’ behavior — kudos!

On the “softer” side, I forgot to mention that I appreciate the restaurant reviews in the Leader, which is the perfect segue to the fact that the Canyon Grille (formerly known as the DeBell Clubhouse) has transitioned very nicely in the space. If Lisa Dupuy is unavailable to review it, don’t hesitate to contact me to step in. I write a heck of a Yelp review!

It would also be nice to run a regular history column. Burbank is rich in history and trivia from such fascinating stories as that of boxer Jim Jeffries to the murder of Mabel Monahan. Curious as to the tale behind those funny-looking, little houses on Hollywood Way? Wonder where they considered putting UCLA before they built it in Westwood? It’s all here!

I would like to thank the Burbank Leader and especially Dan Evans for holding the Community Advisory Board meeting — and I give Mr. Evans special credit for enduring the punches. There was some beating up (not much, though) and he was a very gracious, candid, warm and masochistic (!) host.

Thank you.

Susan Hodgson
