
Letter: It’s David Gordon’s turn to be mayor


Re: “Frutos is the right choice for mayor,” Mailbag, April 23: I see that Alfred Aboulsaad has launched yet another diatribe against Vice Mayor David Gordon. I’m not sure why he is on such a vendetta against Dr. Gordon, but it grows tiresome.

Those of us who elected Dr. Gordon think he’s doing just fine for the city of Burbank. He endured the slights of the Golonski regime in repeatedly denying him his rightful turn as mayor and he has more than earned that title come May 1. We’ve had some real losers on the City Council in the past and they all had their turn as mayor. To deny a conscientious, hard-working councilman his term is sleazy and smacks of backroom politics. Let Bob Frutos become vice mayor and work his way up, like previous council members have done.

Despite what Mr. Aboulsaad seems to feel, Burbank will not go down in flames if Dr. David Gordon assumes the honorary title of mayor. In fact, the city may actually shine a little bit.

Lori McCaffery
