
Letter: Support hosting the Special Olympics

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At the City Council meeting on May 6, Burbank City Council will discuss and determine if Burbank will act as a Host Town for the Special Olympics in July 2015. Among the important considerations for city leadership will be the cost of hosting, as well as the large volunteer base that will be needed to support the athletes during their stay in Burbank. It would be encouraging for them to hear from members of the community who support hosting, and especially meaningful to hear from residents and businesses who would be willing to participate in this wonderful cause.

The 2015 Special Olympics World Games will be attended by 7,000 athletes hailing from 177 countries. It will be the single biggest event in Los Angeles since the 1984 Olympic Games and the largest sports-and-humanitarian event anywhere in the world in 2015. The Host Town program has been an important element of Special Olympics since 1995, providing athletes with three days of cultural events, sports training and relaxation prior to the start of the Games. To learn more about the experience, visit

Please consider speaking out in support of Burbank hosting Special Olympics athletes, and encourage friends and neighbors to do the same. One email to will simultaneously send your message to all members of the City Council including the mayor and vice mayor. Better still, attend the council meeting in person at 6 p.m. on May 6, on the second floor of City Hall to voice your support.

Kat Olson
