
Leader Editorial: Hats off to the new mayor

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We commend the Burbank City Council for voting this week to allow the often-embattled David Gordon to transition to the role of mayor.

Gordon has waited a long time for this ceremonial post — eight years, in fact. It took him until now, after a one-year stint as vice mayor, to garner enough votes among his colleagues to be given the gavel. Only the outgoing mayor, Emily Gabel-Luddy, abstained from the vote, saying she did so because she had not seen enough evidence that Gordon has the time to make himself available for the varied activities a mayor must attend on behalf of the city.

A year ago, the Leader editorial board wrote we approved of the council’s decision when they gave him the vice-mayor position, as we believed him to at least be deserving of a chance to build coalitions and continue moving the city forward.

We echo those sentiments today. With so many years under his belt as a council member, Gordon has certainly gained institutional knowledge. We encourage him to take this renewed vote of confidence, keep all discourse between himself, his council colleagues and city staff civil and respectful, and use that gavel to move council meetings along at a reasonable pace.

Gordon is being entrusted by his colleagues to be the face of Burbank. We wish him well in these duties and call on him to act in a statesman-like manner in this new role. Do us proud during the coming 12 months, Mr. Mayor.
