
Burbank Sunrise Rotary

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I recently had the opportunity to meet the new 2011-2012 President of the Burbank Sunrise Rotary Club, Mr. Rodney Gregson and we had a very pleasant chat. He is a fairly new member of the club and is very excited about all the opportunities available for helping people, not only in our community but in the whole world.

They have been very busy during the last month with fundraising. They had a yard sale at a member’s house (in conjunction with the Noon Rotary Club) and they even had a Jamba Juice truck show up as an attention-getter and additional fundraiser. A few days after that they had a comedy show and raffle/auction at Flappers featuring raffle items donated from numerous Burbank businesses. These activities were very effective and will allow them to benefit the myriad of charities they support.

At present they are getting ready to donate several hundred books to the St. Finbar School Library. Locally, they provide products and money to our schools, volunteer at Tierra Del Sol, do a Christmas party for BCR, help the Salvation Army, and BTAC. They are also Friends of the Burbank Library. Worldwide they provide funds to eliminate polio and the Congo Women’s Project that provides counseling for women that have been raped. I am sure we will be hearing a lot more about our Rotary friends.

The Burbank Sunrise Rotary Club meets on Tuesdays at 7:15 a.m. at the Holiday Inn Bar, 150 E. Angeleno, Burbank. For more information contact Rod Gregson at (818) 428-0151 or at

Isabel Adams can be reached at (818) 842-7359 or at
