
Mountain lion snatches pet poodle from hillside home in Burbank

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Police warned residents to be on alert after a mountain lion took off with a pet poodle from the backyard of a hillside home in Burbank on Saturday.

The mountain lion was spotted in a backyard in the 500 block of North Sunset Canyon Drive, where it took the poodle before disappearing into the hills behind the home, said Burbank Police Sgt. Claudio Losacco.

On Wednesday, police shared the following safety tips for residents:

  • Don’t feed deer, as it’s illegal and will attract mountain lions.

  • Trim brush to reduce hiding places for mountain lions.

  • Keep pets inside at dawn, dusk and at night, when mountain lions are most active.

  • Install motion sensitive lighting around your home.

  • Keep pet food inside.

  • Never approach a mountain lion. If you encounter one, don’t run away. Instead, face the animal, make noises and wave your arms.


Alene Tchekmedyian,

Twitter: @atchek
