
Police donate $1,500 to Burbank Temporary Aid Center

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The Burbank police union and command staff donated $1,500 to the Burbank Temporary Aid Center this week to help fund the agency’s efforts to distribute holiday dinner supplies to hundreds of Burbank households.

The aid center has collected stuffing, potatoes, pies and more than 1,000 turkeys to supply to hundreds of Burbank families on Thanksgiving and Christmas, said Barbara Howell, chief executive officer of the agency.

“It’s making it so much easier on us to get through the holiday and not panic,” Howell said of the donation, noting that the number of families requesting help through the holidays has skyrocketed since the economic recession hit in 2008.

“Food is expensive, gifts are expensive and expectations are high. Sometimes some people just need help around the holiday season. We’re glad we can help them,” Howell added.

Items donated this month will help sustain the agency through the first quarter of 2014, Howell said. Monetary and food donations, along with unwrapped gifts, can be dropped off at the agency – located at 1304 W. Burbank Blvd. – from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

“Most people think about giving now,” she said. “We really don’t have a lot come in [during] January and February.”

Over the last couple weeks, between food drives hosted by local Boy Scout groups and high schools, the aid center has received more than 20,000 items.

“I’m always touched when people think of us,” Howell said.

Claudio Losacco, president of the police union, said an act of kindness can inspire the entire community.

“Our hope is to raise awareness of the Burbank Temporary Aid Center’s holiday outreach program,” he said. “With the help of our community, we can assist them in providing their services to the families that need it most.”

For more information, call the center at 818-848-2822.

Follow Alene Tchekmedyian on Google+ and on Twitter: @atchek.


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