
Costa Mesa gets $2.8 million to run and expand Anaheim shuttle

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Costa Mesa received a $2.8-million grant from the Orange County Transportation Authority this week that will help expand shuttle service between the city and Anaheim.

As proposed, the shuttle will use Costa Mesa buses to circulate between the two cities, with pickup and drop-off locations at several hotels, shopping centers like South Coast Plaza and attractions such as Disneyland.

“It allows us to take people who have come to Costa Mesa to stay and it gives them the ability to have free transportation to some of Orange County’s other attractions,” city spokesman Tony Dodero said Thursday.


Costa Mesa has partnered with Anaheim Resort Transportation to run a similar shuttle in the past, Dodero said, but the new grant will enable the service to keep running and expand to include The Lab and The Camp shopping areas in Costa Mesa.

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Costa Mesa’s award, to be doled out over seven years, is funded through Measure M, Orange County’s half-cent sales tax for transportation projects.

The transportation program includes funding for cities to develop shuttles to complement existing bus services and help connect riders to transportation, employment, civic and shopping centers.

Costa Mesa’s grant is part of a larger package of more than $26.7 million the OCTA board of directors approved for projects countywide.

“Cities across the county have come forward with innovative projects to significantly enhance transportation options specific to their community, and OCTA is pleased to help,” board Chairwoman Lori Donchak said in a statement Wednesday. “Improving local mobility is a key promise of Measure M.”


Luke Money,

Twitter: @LukeMMoney


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