
Mailbag: Golden State is tarnished by its leadership

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Michael Torres nailed it in his letter (“Mailbag: Californians should return to the Republican Party,” Feb. 12). I don’t understand how we got to where we are in California. The California bureaucrats, led by Gov. Jerry Brown (hiring former U.S. Atty. Gen Eric Holder, really?), continue to take our state in the direction of a sanctuary state, which is troubling.

Hollywood, Silicon Valley and real estate can only take us so far. Sanctuary cities are applauded, violent extreme protests are like crack to the news media, free speech by any conservative is shut down. The infrastructure of our state is ridiculous. We haven’t upgraded much of our water infrastructure in decades. Government bureaucrats determining school curriculum, ridiculous health care costs, wasted taxpayer money, the list goes on.

Love or hate our current president, the idea of small government, the promotion of assimilation to new citizens, lower taxes, responsible spending of our taxpayer money should be enough to wake up any staunch Democrat to jump over to the other side. I don’t even recognize the Democratic Party today. What happened to them?


Juli Hayden

Newport Beach

Immigrants and the Trump era

I would say Costa Mesa Councilman John Stephens should rethink the title for his commentary piece (“Commentary: Costa Mesa’s immigrant community shouldn’t fear President Trump’s policies,” Feb. 11). Although his thoughts seem to be of a concerned and aware representative, the title to his commentary sent shivers up my spine. I can only point to an article on the front page of the Los Angeles Times published on the very same day: “ICE raids chill immigrant groups.”

Steven Underwood

Huntington Beach

Costa Mesa challenges remain

Costa Mesa seems a busy mess when compared to Huntington Beach, which sits right next to Fountain Valley, such “A Nice Place to Live.” But on old Goat Hill, what in the world gives?

Commissioners dismissed with police few and far. Try taking Harbor at 5 in a car. Oh, Costa Mesa, the city’s much ajar with long-term motels, liquor stores and bars. Sure there’s the mall and arts to enthrall, but oh, Costa Mesa, can you be fair to all?

Ben Miles

Huntington Beach
