
Planners OK restaurant, nix stage

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A new restaurant planned for San Fernando Boulevard will bring lush landscaping to create a park-like atmosphere and nearly 900 square feet of outdoor dining.

The restaurant, to be located at 546 S. San Fernando Blvd., will incorporate an existing 2,494-square-foot building that was once a landscaping nursery. With two large outdoor dining areas, there will be a total of about 3,600 square feet of restaurant space, according to plans approved by the Planning Board last month.

Applicant Aram Mnatsakanyan had requested an outdoor stage for unamplified performances by musicians, but planning commissioners nixed that feature because of two nearby apartment buildings.

The Planning Board also went along with a staff recommendation stipulating that patrons cannot be seated in the outdoor dining areas after 10 p.m., although those already sitting there may stay.

The restaurant, which plans to offer an “eclectic” menu, must close at midnight, according to city code.

Planning officials had requested that amplification not be permitted inside the restaurant.

However, property owner Chris Aslanyan said the restaurant would like to have live musicians performing for indoor patrons.

“While a piano can be loud, an upright bass needs a little bit of amplification,” he said.

The Planning Board didn’t specifically ban amplified music, instead deciding to address the issue based on noise complaints from the public.

If the restaurant receives more than nine noise complaints within a three-month period, approval for a restaurant on the site could be revoked, said Abo Velasco, associate planner for the city.

Dancing will not be allowed in the new restaurant because if a business allows dancing and serves alcohol, it’s considered a nightclub, according to the city regulations.

Plans also show a large smoking area, legal in this instance because it will be separate from the restaurant’s nonsmoking area, where food and drink will be served.

An abundance of landscaping will be planted along San Fernando Boulevard, around the smoking area, one of the outdoor seating areas and near the parking lot that will be built on the property, Velasco said.

“He wants to take advantage of the fact that it was a nursery — kind of a reuse of the site,” Velasco said.
